Why Complex Engineering Demands Specialised eDMS?

Tirtza Richartz

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In our previous articles, we have thoroughly explored the numerous benefits that an eDMS can offer to your organization. From optimizing workflows to enhancing collaboration and strengthening security, eDMS has been depicted as an invaluable asset today.

However, there are various eDMS options in the market, and not all eDMSs fit your organization’s needs.

This blog post will shift our focus to the complex engineering world. In this field, using the right eDMS isn’t just a good idea; it’s often a must for success. We’ll explore the challenges of complex engineering projects and how having a professional-level eDMS can make a big difference. So, let’s talk about why, in the engineering world, it’s not just about having any eDMS – it’s about having the right one.

What is eDMS?

For complex engineering applications, an Electronic Document Management System (eDMS) is a comprehensive digital platform that engineering companies use to capture, store, index, retrieve, and control engineering documents and data throughout their entire lifecycle, from conception to project completion and maintenance. Its primary purpose is to streamline document-related processes, enhance collaboration, and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Understanding Complex Engineering Projects and Operations

Complex engineering projects and operations are like puzzles with countless pieces, where every detail matters. To grasp why a specialised eDMS is so crucial here, let’s break down what makes these endeavors so complex:

  1. Big and Complicated: These projects are often massive, like building LNG terminals or designing complex machines. That means lots of documents and plans to manage.
  2. Teamwork: Experts from different fields, like engineers, document controllers, and contractors, must work together. They share and use documents from their areas.
  3. Compliances and Regulations: There are strict rules to ensure things are safe and up to standard. This means lots of paperwork to prove everything is done right.
  4. Changes Happen and Revision Control: Plans often change during these projects. Keeping track of these changes is hard.
  5. Data Security and Confidentiality: Engineering projects often deal with sensitive data, proprietary designs, and intellectual property. Safeguarding this information is critical to protect both the project and the organization.
  6. Time Matters: Many projects have deadlines. If there are problems with documents, it can cause delays and affect cost.

Can You Use a General eDMS in Your Projects and Operations?

Yes, you definitely can. Decent DMSs like ShaePoint are widely used in many organizations due to their accessibility and user-friendly interface. However, as the volume of documents in your projects grows into the thousands, it can pose certain challenges. Here are typical difficulties when using a generic eDMS in complex engineering or other industries dealing with a large volume of documents.

  1. Document Overload: General eDMSs can become overwhelming with large document volumes.
  2. Search Complexity: Finding and retrieving specific documents takes time.
  3. Revision Control: Managing multiple document revisions becomes intricate, and you might repeatedly work on the wrong revision.
  4. Custom Workflow Needs: Complex engineering projects may demand specific workflows for document approvals, reviews, and collaboration. A general eDMS might not offer the flexibility to adapt to these unique processes.
  5. Compliance: A generic eDMS may lack the specialised features to ensure regulatory compliance and document auditability.
  6. Integration: Seamless integration with specialised tools can be lacking.
  7. Scalability: As the number of documents increases, the performance and scalability of a generic eDMS may become a concern. Slow response times and system limitations can hinder productivity in large-scale projects.
  8. Security: Data security and controlled access to sensitive documents are paramount in engineering sectors. A one-size-fits-all eDMS may not provide robust access control features to protect critical data.
  9. Reporting: Complex projects and operations often require in-depth reporting and analytics capabilities to track document usage, project progress, and compliance. General reporting may not be sufficient for these needs.

What is a Specialised eDMS and its Benefits?

Now that we understand the challenges of complex engineering projects and why they demand a more advanced eDMS, let’s dive into what makes a specialised eDMS stand out and beneficial for in the engineering sector:

Efficiency at Its Best: A specialised eDMS brings efficiency to document handling. It centralizes documents, making retrieval quick and easy. This saves time and ensures team members access the information they need without a hassle.

Seamless Collaboration: Complex engineering projects demand teamwork. Specialised eDMS systems enable real-time document access and collaborative work from anywhere. This promotes a fluid workflow, reduces delays, and keeps everyone aligned.

Revision Control Precision: In engineering, accurate revision control is vital. Specialised eDMS systems excel at tracking document changes, reducing confusion, preventing errors, and establishing clear document histories essential for audits and compliance.

Robust Data Security: Engineering often involves sensitive data. Specialised eDMS prioritizes data security with encryption, access controls, and secure authentication. This safeguards project information and ensures compliance with regulations.

Smooth Integration: Specialised eDMS solutions easily integrate with other engineering tools like CAD software and project management platforms, creating a seamless workflow for increased productivity.

Scalability Matters: As projects grow, so does the volume of documents and users. Specialised eDMS systems scale without performance compromise, adapting to evolving project needs.

User Support and Training: Specialised eDMS providers offer user training and dedicated support to help organizations maximize their system’s capabilities.

In summary, specialised eDMS solutions are efficient, collaborative, precise, secure, and scalable tools tailored to the unique demands of complex engineering projects. They ensure project success by enhancing productivity and compliance.


In the complex engineering world, having a specialised eDMS is a game-changer. This tool offers many benefits, such as making work efficient, helping teams collaborate better, and keeping data safe.

Is general eDMS still applicable? The answer depends on your evaluation and requirements. There are many more factors to consider, such as installation, implementation, data size, project size, etc. However, with a specialised eDMS, you can store all your documents in one place, keep track of changes quickly, and work seamlessly with other engineering tools. This makes it super helpful in managing complex projects.

Looking for an eDMS for your projects/operations? Book a call with our specialist to determine if Assai’s solution is the perfect fit for you.

In simple terms, having the right eDMS isn’t just a choice – it’s the key to success in complex engineering. It’s the tool that ensures projects go smoothly and thrive in today’s fast-paced world.

Additional Resources

DMS Glossary: Important Definitions to Simplify Your Selection Process

Ensuring Data Integrity in Integrated Engineering Project Environments

Or click here to book a meeting with our experts for a tailored experience.

We have attached the following guides and related articles to give you more context about eDMS and Complex Engineering Projects:

Whitepaper: What to consider when purchasing a DMS
The definitive guide to document control and document management
Download all articles on complex engineering stages in a 50+ page PDF

Assai’s Document Management System

Assai is a leading document management and document control solution for complex projects and operations across multiple industries, including Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy, Construction & Engineering, Transportation, Mining, Utilities, and Chemicals. The system offers a centralised repository equipped with easy and comprehensive search options for metadata and content, making it easy to manage and retrieve documents, drawings, correspondence, emails, and more.

The system also offers flexible integration with various tools such as Power BI, SAP, and redlining features, making it a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for document management needs. With expert support and training, Assai’s Document Management System is an excellent choice for any organisation seeking a secure, scalable, customizable document management solution. Check it out on our site, and feel free to book a meeting!